Become the best version of yourself


Strengthen your closest relationships

Become the best version of yourself


Strengthen your closest relationships

What you can do with Riza:

Love Well

Celebrate the strengths of the people closest to you. Understand your family and good friends better. Practice the skills that make your relationships healthier.

We all want to be loved – and to love! Whether loving comes easily or not, use Riza as a tool to help you increase love – in you and in your family, friends, mentors, coaches and other close relationships. Riza is a fun and intuitive way to pay attention to, communicate with, and celebrate the people you care about most.

Use Riza to learn more about your loved ones’ sparks and struggles, to care about and contribute to their whole lives. Assess your relationships and adjust your actions. Cultivate skills and practices that make your relationships healthier. Build trust in an environment of mutual respect. Love is willing and working for another’s best and Riza is here to help you put that into action.

Keep Track

Remember the big moments and the small, important details of your family’s life. Organize and find what you need, fast: data, dates, people, and so much more. Pay attention to your life as a whole.

Riza is intuitive, accessible and above all, useful. So many apps have hidden motives to use your data for their own extractive purposes. At Riza, your content is yours. Everything by default is personal and private. All of your content is shareable. And you get to choose who you share it with, and when.

Riza is practical. And we also love it when our members use Riza to take the long-view of life. Make your life story come alive. Take a step back and consider who you are as a person, and the people and the places that contribute to that person. Discover the patterns, the meaning, and the purpose of your unique life, in an environment of mutual accountability and support. All so you can act with integrity and intention.

Live with Intention

Create goals that reflect the person you want to become. Track your progress and get the kind of support that helps you most. Visualize your successes and struggles as you seek your best version of you.

The courage to be the person we know we can be – every one of us wants that. Riza is designed to help you identify your deepest values and connect your daily actions to reflect those. Track your progress, visual your successes and failures, change course, figure out what works for you. But don’t do that alone. Riza believes that the people who can best help us stay true to our best selves are sometimes the people close to us – our family, our friends and mentors. Riza helps you get and give the kind of support that works for you. Social science shows that a strength-based approach is more effective and we’re all about that, to help you build a realistic, hopeful future. We’ll give you the tools to take action – so you can stay true to the life you intend to live and the person you want to become.

Grow Together

Act as the experts of your own lives. Share your resources to make life better for each other. Make changes that build everyone’s self-efficacy and strengths.

As human beings, all of us need two things. One: We each need to be the agent of our own unique story, to be recognized apart from others. And two: we need to be a part of, to be connected to and in communion with others. These two needs are interdependent, in healthy tension and dynamic relationship with each other. Riza cares about both of these. We want people to discover their potential, to live authentic and good lives, to do the sometimes-easy, sometimes-very-hard work of self-assessment and awareness. We also want to help people find joy in what most agree is the most important measure of a well-lived life: making one’s closest relationships healthy and happy. Riza is a set of tools designed to help you grow both as an individual and as a person in relationship. We challenge you to use Riza tools to become your best self and to strengthen your closest relationships. Assess and improve. Fix what isn’t working. Practice courage and connection. In an environment of mutual support, Riza invites you to grow, together.

Learn more.

Consider joining the beta team. We’ll contact you when we launch!

We will only use your email to send you Riza updates. We promise not to share or sell your contact information.

What our first Riza members are saying

Why Riza?

I love Riza for so many reasons, but I especially love using it to help me love my kids. For that alone, I’m so grateful that Riza exists.

Hi, I’m Cynthia!

Cynthia King-Guffey, CEO and Founder of Riza

I originally made Riza to help me love my family – with more intentionality, more effectively, and just, more.

I’ve heard it said that being a mom is like having your heart walking around outside your body and I think that’s true. Like a lot of families, my family has experienced a lot together. We’ve had – and we’ve been – a ton of fun. And we’ve struggled both with the usual family stuff and with more intense, really hard things — addiction, trauma, and other hardships – that have stressed and strengthened each of us in our own way. When I started out as a marriage and family therapist, I was sure that I and all my book-learned theories were right. But real-life parenting, marriage, and my witness of others on their journeys have made me humbler. I know what it is like to be at the mercy of therapists that see my family through a deficit lens, of systems of help that are disconnected and depleting. I’ve experienced the despair of wanting more than anything to unlock the secret of how to love members of my family well but not being able to find the key. I’ve also experienced the grace of the helpers in this world who get it, and care, who are curious, and kind.

When Riza was still a dream, my wise friend and colleague Trina said to me, “Cynthia, create that thing that you want more than anything to use with your own family. If you do that, other people will want to use it too.” Trina was right to light that path for me, and that’s the path I’ve taken. I made Riza so that I could love my family more — more intentionally, more effectively and, just more. Riza is what I want to use with the people I care about the most.

Hi, I’m Cynthia!

Cynthia King-Guffey, CEO and Founder of Riza

I originally made Riza to help me love my family – with more intentionality, more effectively, and just, more.

I can also say that Riza is much better because of the people we’ve listened to – especially the mentors, the youth, the families, the friends who have generously shared their vulnerabilities, experiences and needs around their closest relationships.

Riza is a product of those experiences and voices. A life-long obsession with the concept of love—theoretically, theologically, and social-scientifically—has been transformed into a passion to make tools that are intuitive to people as they seek to love well. Riza is fiercely strength-based because we know that that approach is more effective. Riza is at its heart curious—a constant learning environment—because none of us has everything figured out, but we need all the hard-earned wisdom we can get from each other. We welcome shared solutions and we believe, for example, that the mentors at Friends of the Children have as much to contribute to Riza as the good PhD researchers who inform what we do every step of the way. Riza is a mashup of best practice, social science, technology and art. We see ourselves as artists, because love thrives in a creative environment. We created an app that people could actually use, a set of tools that make people better versions of themselves, and stronger, together.

Like becoming a mom, making Riza has been one of the coolest, hardest, most joyful journeys of my life. The folks who’ve made Riza what it is today have given their hearts and minds to making it extraordinary. Individually and collectively we have failed forward again and again in our relentless pursuit to create tools that matter to people. Riza really is different. Riza is an app, yes, a set of tools, yes, but also an invitation to make your own growth and your closest people’s wellbeing a higher priority in your life.

Even during our development stage there have been times I’ve used Riza where – in little or big ways – it has led me to love my children more effectively and more. I love Riza for so many reasons, but for that reason alone, I’m so glad that Riza exists.

Copyright © 2023 Riza. All rights reserved.